White Marsh Rec. Dance

September 1st through December 31st
A student may miss NO MORE than 4 classes during this time period.  A student may miss NO MORE than 2 classes in a row during this time period.

January 1st through April 30th
A student may miss NO MORE than 5 classes during this time period.  A student may miss NO MORE than 2 classes in a row during this time period.

A student will be considered absent if he/she is late to class by 10 minutes or more.

Attendance Policy Details: Recital Session

Students who participate in the White Marsh Rec. Dance Program’s Recital Session must comply with the program’s attendance policy.  This policy applies to all students, regardless of age or ability level, and pertains to the entire Recital Session, which runs from September until May.

Students who sign up for the Recital Session participate in classes from September until May.  However, for purposes of tracking attendance only, the Recital Session is broken into two parts - students are given a specific number of absences for each part, to make a total of 9 absences for the entire Recital Session.

If a student is unable to comply with WMRC Dance Program’s Attendance Policy, he/she will no longer be permitted to participate in class, and will not be permitted to perform in the recital.  Additionally, no refund will be given to those who fail to comply with the Attendance Policy.

Attendance Policy Details: Summer Session
While attending class on a regular basis is imperative, the WMRC Dance Program knows that many families go on vacations during the summer, and this means missing class is sometimes necessary. Therefore, while students should attend class as often as possible, there is no maximum number of classes that a student may miss during the Summer Session.


​​​​​​Attendance Policy

Attending class on a regular basis is imperative. Dedication to class not only ensures students are prepared for the recital, but also helps students get the most out of their dance experience. Additionally, attending class allows students to improve their skill set, build strong relationships with their teachers and classmates, and develop lasting self-confidence.